Marley Goree
About Me

Marley Goree's DISC Profile
• You like an environment where authority and responsibility is mutual and shared across all members. • You prefer to lead by setting an example, not outright instructing others. • You appreciate being thorough and complete in the analysis of all variables before making a decision. • You may be prone to avoiding difficult decisions, and this can create delays. • You like to carefully weigh the pros and cons on important issues before forming an opinion. • You tend to be more modest than egocentric in dealing with others.
You tend to be generous with your time in helping others. • You work best when you are able to interact with others. • You prefer an environment with ample people contact. • You like a flexible environment that allows for creativity. • You like democratic not dictatorial relationships on the job. • You tend to meet new people in a confident and appropriate manner.
• You like having a strong identification or connection with the group, organization, or mission. • You possess an amazing ability to calm those people who are upset. • You dislike any personal conflicts or hostility of any kind. • You are an excellent team player. • You are always seen as cool, calm, and collected on the outside (whether that is true on the inside or not). • You are very predictable, in a good way. You're always there, ready to pitch in, and complete the assignment.
You think it is important to adhere to specific and detailed instructions or procedures. • You can be skeptical of brand new ideas or fads until they are sufficiently proven. • You are very conscientious in delivering high levels of detail. • You may be perceived as somewhat resistant to change. • You are somewhat restrained in expressing emotions. • You believe that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing correctly the first time.