Wilson Nichols

About Me

Hi my name is Wilson Nichols, a senior at Bob Jones High School. Throughout my high school career, I have pushed myself by taking on challenging coursework in various subjects. My relentless drive to improve keeps me motivated as I compete with my classmates. I have been a dedicated member of the varsity soccer team for the past few years, and I also have a passion for weightlifting and powerlifting. Prioritizing my physical health alongside my education is paramount to me. In addition to my athletic pursuits, I am a member of Madison CEO, where I am eager to contribute my skills to enhance the class and further my own learning. I actively engage in community service through my church and various clubs, seeking opportunities to give back and make a positive impact. I am committed to personal growth and am excited to continue expanding my skillset while contributing to the betterment of those around me.






DISC Characteristics

  • • You can miss smaller but important details because you were moving too fast or focused too much on the big picture. • You can be quick about your decisions when time is short and need is high. • You prefer to focus on the big-picture and the future, not the details or the past. • You are always interested in new approaches and new ways of doing things. • You're moderately self-reliant in determining new directions or deciding on change. • You are pretty competitive in the things you do on both the personal and professional side.
  • At times, your desire to express your opinion and interact with others may come across as self-promoting by the quieter people you know. • You can at times be too impulsive in making decisions. • You have a very high trust level for others, but this could actually result in you being "burned." • You seek freedom of speech and the ability to express ideas and opinions openly. • You can be extremely persuasive. • You enjoy opportunities to motivate others.
  • • You are consistent and predictable over the long haul, even in the midst of change. • You can accept change, but you require a good argument for it first. • You think it is important to follow established procedures and processes. • You bring a high degree of self-control to work. You steadily move towards the completion of a task. • You believe rules exist for a reason. • You prefer setting minimum levels of consistency and stability or control.
  • • You are practical and realistic. • You like taking your own way to the results. • To you, the end usually justifies the means. • While you appreciate a need for procedures and protocol, you also understand they must be practical and directly support results. • You might be perceived as a bit of a rule-bender by some on the team. • You can easily work independently when it comes to completing tasks and assignments.