
Adam Baer is a senior attending Bob Jones High School. He runs cross country and track, and is part ... Learn More

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Class of 2022

Adam Baer

About Me

Adam Baer is a senior attending Bob Jones High School. He runs cross country and track, and is part of the Madison CEO class. As well as starting his own business, Adam plans on going to Auburn University to pursue a degree in Business Management. He loves sports, working out, hanging out with friends, and listening to music.

About My Business

Fit-bites uses natural sugars and healthy ingredients to create a cookie that replicates the taste of a real sugar filled cookie, without the added sugar.

Adam Baer's DISC Profile


You like to think things trough before acting.


You work best when you are able to interact with others.


You serve to stabilize others on a team whoa are perhaps too maverick.


You prefer an environment that is precise and detailed.