The team would like to thank Sharon for the tour of the Neighborhood Thrift Store warehouse and retail shop. The team learned how important it is to have a efficient process in your operations. It's amazing how organized such a diverse amount of goods can be. And just how important a vision and mission statement that is truly lived by the company can be to the bottom line.

Other News From Around The Same Time

Today we discussed the difference between ignorance and stupidity.  We also learned that not everyone on the team was on the same page with their product for the team business. I am ...

Today we discussed the difference between ignorance and stupidity. We also learned that not everyone on the team was on the same page with their product for the team business. I am ...

This morning our guest speaker was David Little. David has held many roles in his career. It was great to hear the lessons he has learned and how the team can put those lessons to work ...

This morning our guest speaker was David Little. David has held many roles in his career. It was great to hear the lessons he has learned and how the team can put those lessons to work ...

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